Peer to Peer: Found Poetry


This lightning-quick pace can feel punishing.
Amidst these high tempos lay serene comfort.
Explore the unexpected.
Light and fluid motions,
Smooth, seamless,
Inhale, exhale…
The road senses sweet vapor.
Your body needs you.
Your Body is a Temple,
Temples carved with care,
Designed to impact pressure.
When you push your body into new territory, mental clarity comes.
Discover what you’re made of,
Keep your Zen levels elevated.


This poem, written for Ty, is a visual and textual representation of dance. I wanted the piece to capture the essence of the art, showing quick, jagged movements, yet remaining balanced and poised. I tore words and images from a Nike women’s lookbook, which was full of active words and animation. I think it is geared well toward Ty’s liking and experiences with dance, and I’m pleased with the way the entire piece turned out. I wanted the poem to sound alive and playful, so I chose phrases to correspond with that concept, and I whited-out the rest (although I did have to eliminate so really great sentences that just didn’t quite fit). The white-out was chosen to match the ‘unfinished’ style of the collage.

About Me: I see myself as an experimenter by nature. My first approach to a new material or a prompt or a new product usually is to tinker with it and figure out how it works. I like to know the mechanics of what I’m working with, inside and out. Visual art isn’t enough. I value tactical products with performing intent, products that complete certain functions. When I start on a shoe design or a graphic or a product, my motivation comes from an improvement that I can visualize before I pick up a pen. While my works are generally vague as I’m still originating my style in my first year, my ideas are sparked by something I see and I know I can make it better. Indifferent of the obstacle, my approach is consistent: Tweak it and fail until a pattern develops. Find the root of the problem and attack it.

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