Stranger Studies


I eavesdropped on a conversation at a bench in Washington Square Park:

Conversation: Theres a guy with a backpack and there’s a couple. All tourists. At Washington Square on a bench across from the arch.
That’s one of the things about New York, is that there’s not just places you can go and just hang out. Unless you guys have been over to Music in the Park, over at
One of the things about my home in Phoenix is the one, it’s super cheap, and secondly it’s
That’s one of the greatest things
And also you can get a lot of space for a little bit of money
And also the weather. You have two seasons and they’re just like good weather
And you can cancel out air conditioning by walking into the shade. In other places on the east coast you have this humidity
Do you ever miss
Uhhmm occasionally. I ran into a promoter a few times. An old roommate coordinates concerts at Carnegie hall. If that’s the case I get hired out. I haven’t been there in a while. It’s fun and it’s generally enough to associate with
Ha, feel how cold this is, haha
(Touches beer)
(GF returns with bottle of water)
Man it looks like you were slightly pained.
“Washington sq park is a 9.8 acre public park in Greenwich village…. Well known Manhattan park..”
That’s true like the park we saw earlier
The arch is called wash sq arch. Let’s see what that’s about. “Built in…to honor George Washingotn” oh it is the end of fifth avenue
So “the park as a whole remained farmland until”
(Continues reading stats for way too long, friends are clearly bored)
GF: Whoahh.


The guy’s enthusiasm for Arizona drew me toward the Grand Canyon. I saw his unwaivered attempt to keep a dialogue going, a drive to erode his way through the conversation and bore his friends to death, analogous to the Colorado River’s pursuit to hollow out the Grand Canyon.



Conversation 1:
Description: (A teenage boy walking with an older lady. He appeared to be a New Yorker and she seemed foreign, mostly by the unassuming way he spoke to her. They seemed like family members. Maybe she was his aunt.)

Lady: (Looking at sculpture) Yeah but what’s it sposed to represent.
Boy: Art. It’s just art.
….Are you a fan of ice cream. It’s here.
Lady: What’s that?
Boy: It’s ice cream.
Lady: Oh oh yeah.

(later, walking past beer garden, contemplatively)

Lady: Brass monkey beer garden. Huh.




Conversation 2:
Description: Guy with a backpack and there’s a couple. Tourists. Wash Sq bench across from the arch.

That’s one of the things about New York, is that there’s not just places you can go and just hang out. Unless you guys have been over to Music in the Park, over at

One of the things about my home in Phoenix is the one, it’s super cheap, and secondly it’s

That’s one of the greatest things

And also you can get a lot of space for a little bit of money

And also the weather. You have two seasons and they’re just like good weather

And you can cancel out air conditioning by walking into the shade. In other places on the east coast you have this humidity

Do you ever miss

Uhhmm occasionally. I ran into a promoter a few times. An old roommate coordinates concerts at Carnegie hall. If that’s the case I get hired out. I haven’t been there in a while. It’s fun and it’s generally enough to associate with

Ha, feel how cold this is, haha

(Touches beer)

(GF returns with bottle of water)

Man it looks like you were slightly pained.


“Washington sq park is a 9.8 acre public park in Greenwich village…. Well know Manhattan park..”

That’s true like the park we saw earlier

The arch is called wash sq arch. Let’s see what that’s about. “Built in…to honor George Washingotn” oh it is the end of fifth avenue

So “the park as a whole remained farmland until”

(Continues reading stats for way too long, friends are clearly bored)

GF: Whoahh.



Conversation 3:
Description: Two little kids, boy and girl, both carrying little plastic toys like spaceships. They’re following far behind their parents. These kids are talking so much more than any adults, but most of the little boy’s words were gibberish. They were having fun, acting out scenes.

Girl: “I have feelings they can talk to us.    Hurry up.”
Boy: “What do you think I could help porkybots.”
G: What are you doinggggg.
B: (Playing with spaceship)
G: Hurry up! Psshhhh woosh!
B: This red jdjfbfjk robot hgjtel
G: Watch your powers!
     This wayy!
Conversation 4:
Description: Two middle aged guys in hiking Jesus sandal. Wash Sq Park. Dad bods, cargos and plain tees. Hiking Backpacks. Look like engineers. One of them has an iPad and glasses
But your projection is based on the next twelve month of income. It’s an income based prediction.
That’s right.
I’d like to get rid of it all together.
It’s such a beauracracy, and it’s cutting deep. It’s not about finding the truth of the appraisal for a piece of land.

It’s about “well I can help you with this one but I can’t help you with that one.What’s is happening in New York is the property value of a house is

And that fact….transport every day

That’s the Amazon pressure

Because they can buy the products..

Where’s your nearest Costco?

So you have to buy everything on Amazon.

Oh okay. It still is expensive.

It’s either the walk to Duane Reade




Visual Dialogue ideas or mock-ups:

Shel Silverstein style illustration book
3D bristol block letters. Can be placed around a room, spaced out on chairs, tables, floor, shelves, hung from ceiling, rightside up and upside down and sideways and tilted, etc.
A large 3D thought bubble containing drawing or cut-out thought bubbles that hold text, or it contains a comic strip type dialogue.



About Me: I see myself as an experimenter by nature. My first approach to a new material or a prompt or a new product usually is to tinker with it and figure out how it works. I like to know the mechanics of what I’m working with, inside and out. Visual art isn’t enough. I value tactical products with performing intent, products that complete certain functions. When I start on a shoe design or a graphic or a product, my motivation comes from an improvement that I can visualize before I pick up a pen. While my works are generally vague as I’m still originating my style in my first year, my ideas are sparked by something I see and I know I can make it better. Indifferent of the obstacle, my approach is consistent: Tweak it and fail until a pattern develops. Find the root of the problem and attack it.


  1. tamar · July 7, 2016 Reply

    You got some really wonderful conversations, and you have some interesting directions in your concepts. I look forward to seeing your finished piece.

  2. Tamar · July 18, 2016 Reply

    The photograph of the piece is very successful in focusing attention on the piece, thanks to the clean background and the shadow of the piece in the foreground.

    As we discussed in class, the piece focuses more on the content of the conversation (Grand Canyon, Arizona), and less on creating a device for expressing dialogue. Although the dialogue is carved into the canyon, it is hard to read, and it is hard to get a sense of the back and forth in the dialogue.

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