Beauty standards – 30th of January

Working as a personal assistant for a supermodel has allowed me to discover the inside world of the fashion industry. Through this experience, I am able to encounter people with different views and opinions on fashion on a daily base. It is very interesting to see in what ways the power of gender is reversed in the industry. Indeed, female model are better paid than male models and tend to be more successful. Additionally, some will say that being homosexual male is convenient in the designing world of fashion.

This picture caught my eye because as a heterosexual female, I find a sharp jawline to be an attractive feature. This made me question beauty standards for both genders. What makes a person more attractive or “beautiful” than another? I started my researches. According to scientific belief, the more symmetrical a face the most beautiful. Others say that a healthy body is most attractive, but being skinny isn’t healthy, so why is it so important in our society? Lastly, I read that a beautiful woman is one that is fertile and has the most chances to survive giving birth: large hips and breast, etc.

Throughout history and culture, beauty standards has changed from a monobrow in the Antiquity, to a nipped in waist.

To conclude, this picture allowed me to reflect on one of the biggest industries in the world and its belief along with the impact it has on our society and way of thinking.

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