Flags: claiming space, conquering, conquest

To make a mark: to claim something: A flag as a symbol of ownership in a very abstract way.

The star: the symbol for guidance; guiding stars. We navigate using stars and have always done so.

In the futures everything might be soft, bendable, everything in flux. It can therefore be necessary/important to use a stamp to create something ICONIC. Imprint in the gravel of destroyed buildings.

Icons: icons for a general understanding. Icons are portals, portals to something/somewhere else. Same for a flag in a way. It represents something, but not only represents, but actually transports the viewer somewhere else. This is an icon. Icons are problematic but deeply cultural in the old meaning of the word – they are traditional, bear old meanings that some over-humanly way has settled into them.

Camouflage for the device. It should somehow mix the different materials that we find in the futures. Obviously this will be a mix of “natural” (in the old sense of the word) materials (like bacteria, dirt, stone) and “cultural” (in the old sense of the word) materials (like concrete (man made stone), plastics).


AS11-40-5905HR Bronze_flag,_Shadad_Kerman,_Iranshopping

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