The final product will be a block/stamp with a handle, on which there is attached a flag.

There were a couple of iterations of this.

The first idea was to use a mold and create the object from plaster.

foto 1 (7)


I built the mold using concrete



foto 3 (6)

View into the mold

foto 4 (5)

The mold is ready

foto 5 (4)

The plaster mix is made up of honey, spirulina and plaster.

foto 3 (5)


A wooden spoon is used as a handle.

foto 5 (3)

The final first iteration: I was not satisfied. Especially the stamp part of the bottom of the object did not work. The plaster had not filled out the mold evenly enough to be usable. I discarded this iteration.

Second iteration was with another approach. Using Magic Model clay for children, I was able to make a large handle, with a small wooden stick onto which I could attach a flag. For the stamp in the bottom, I used a wooden star that I had already created.

foto 1 (4)

The flag is made of paper and plastic, onto which I stamped the star with a mixture of magic model clay and honey. The flag is attached to a wooden stick, which is then inserted into the clay object.

The handle is a plastic bottle covered with magic model clay. In the bottom of the object, I attached the wooden star.


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