Category: Ideas


Visual references and ideas

photo 2 (12)

Video game: using pepper’s ghost on one screen and not on the other, in order to make seemless widescreen image. Seen in an arcade hall in Manhattan 2015.



Collimators used to record gamma rays and neutrons from a nuclear test


Collimator principle



Reflector sight in 1970’s astronomy tool




Reflector sight


PZL_TS-11F_Iskra_(HUD) F-18_HUD_gun_symbology C-130J_Co_Pilot's_Head-up_display



HuD protein which binds RNA


Hud (prophet)

But also Department of Housing and Urban Development


A device to make it possible to see multiple layers
Layers and layering, digging through as geologists/archeologists
Through the history of screens, the history of skins

It is not interesting to understand, and it is no longer interesting to think about the distinctions between nature/culture/technology/artificial/life/death/meaning/senselessness/lost-ness
WHAT is interesting then? This is:
Carrying heavy things (moving mountains)

IT is of course: A PORTAL;
it transports
Somewhere else, different time, different place, different thinking
So maybe it is HERE we combine all things

It is non-euclidean geometry, it is cubist principles, it is Cezanne and his oranges, it is Escher’s infinity stairs all the way to the future.

It is basically: a viewfinder

To find: something unknown, perhaps just somewhere else.

To focus: a view

To see: ghosts– or other unknown manifestations

Again, to transport: to other places

Many ideas:


Making visible the invisible

Changing speed

Different times


Very concrete things,
such as: ghosts
data ghosts screaming, terrifying the people around it

the host and the shell

Reenactments of some sort

Non-Earth physicality

Parallel dimensions with different laws of physics

Reenacting a war


Historical reenactment of a contemporary event
Ultrahistory – Agamben


Reenactment of :
History of a virus or infection, juxtaposed with history of a warfare or similar
Again. The aleph.



Jeff Vandermeer: Annihilation

Living organisms, non-human and human communication, textures, materials

Karl van Welden: Saturn III 

Looking-glass; seeing distant things; noticing something new

Hotel Pro Forma: Hvorfor blir det nat mor (why does night come mother)

New viewing angles, optical illusions

Astrid Myntekær: GamingGaming (+ other works)

Manipulation of living materials, unexpectedness, edges

Rafael Rozendaal

I do not particularly like his work but I want to include it because of the physical installations of it: Screen based work that is not installed correctly/spill on the wall — I find this interesting: the physical manifestation of the projected image is an icon, it is only a portal to the real piece, which is a concept or something floating/fluid which exists as data/knowledge/decisions.

Skærmbillede 2015-10-20 kl. 21.53.52


But also pop cultural references such as Strange Days at Blake Holsey High, pseudoscientific pop tv-show about strange “science-y” events effected by the fact that there is a black hole (?) underneath a high school

and of course: gothic churches’ doors.

Omer Fast: The Casting

Jorge Luis Borges: The Aleph

Gordon Matta-Clark


Research for One Subject Many Projects #2

Seed dispersal syndrome

Anemochory (seed dispersal by wind)

We imagine that this has taken a new form and rapidly spreads

“Epizoochory is the accidental dispersal by animals” — this is what I did with the poor tree from Ridgewood reservoir.

Calculating a reasonable windspeed and wavelength:

A windspeed of 1.5 m/s is a light breeze on the Beaufort scale, which seems reasonable for dispersing seeds. Using the physics of wavelength and windspeeds in the ocean, it can be calculated that such a windspeed will have a wavelength of 1.5 m. This is a frequency of 200 MHz. That is within the radio frequency spectrum. Calculated using:

Instead of using electromagnetic waves, it could be sound waves which intercepts:

So reading about sound :


Calculating sound waves: saying sound waves travel at 340m/s, we can use this to calculate the wavelength

v represent the speed of the wave
f represent the frequence of the wave
l represent the wavelength
we know that v = f x l, therefore,
l = v/f
l = 340 / 20
l = 17 m


So this would be for me: wavelength: 1.5 meters = 340 / x

so x = appr. 225 hz

So my frequency will be 225 hz 

Instead: we use the tree input as a modulation of the sine wave

Research for One Subject Many Projects

Idea for One Subject Many Projects

Moving a tree – planting it somewhere else. As if: I (a human) move the plant, just like the wind grabs the seeds of the dandelion and disperses it.

If we think of the future: as humans adapt, and all other natural processes adapt to changing circumstances, we might see a sort of invasion from trees, plants etc., coming into our houses, buildings etc. A sudden increase in mobility of trees and plants will rapidly disperse them to new areas that were not meant to hold plants or where they are “threatening” the existing order. The evolution of the “old” nature such as trees, plants etc., could develop in a faster and faster pace, thereby suddenly making this invasion possible.

This could turn into a war of some sort: a war: humans vs trees.

No need to keep biodiversity; no need to uphold nature as it is in the year 2015 (it is already lost) No need since we manufacture what we need, only using exactly what we need: The extreme optimization: Humans need only one diet, they live in the most optimal way possible. The thought of extreme productivity; the thought of extreme rationalization leading to a need for (human) people to kill biodiversity; kill the trees that there is no longer a need for.

So the human system will develop a system of attracting the seeds from the trees, basically creating a trap. Through manipulation of a living tree (the prisoner of war), the humans will make the tree send out vibrations that interfere with the waves in which the seeds are being moved (the wind currents), thereby attracting the seeds into the trap. Once the seed is collected, it will be destroyed. This way the humans will slowly erase and kill entire species of trees and plants.

First part of research and creation:

Stealing a tree from the Ridgewood Reservoir in Queens.

photo 2 (11)

photo 1 (11) photo 4 (7) photo 5 (2)

Ideas for MS 1: Initial ideas

Using PVC tubes to weave a net/grid, to create a type of screen. For projection with light, video etc., but also as a screen with content in it.

The different tubes will have different eco systems in them. They will react differently to different things, so one might have added salt or similar, to create one reaction, while others might have some other thing else added etc. Should be very precisely added or subtracted. The ecosystems will change, change behavior, color, electric transmittance etc.

all the intervowen pvc tubes will have different ecosystems, creating a strange web with a mixed look of many many things.

The video or light should somehow have content which makes sense in regards to the tubes. Unknown so far. It is interesting to move around on the borders of visible light; ultraviolet, infrared etc. Even using microwaves or radiowaves etc as invisible light sources.


Looking into