Prosthetic “Sketches”






Problem/ Need 1:


Photograph from David Bailey’s East End. Photograph taken in 1960s. This photograph showcases the need for a stronger public educational system, as children would be otherwise left to play in bombed-out ruins after a day of school.

Idea 1: Arm Computer. Standardized system for distributing necessary knowledge to students. This would likely reduce the total cost of education per person, as you would need as many school district employees or school buildings.

Sketch 1:

Prosthetic Sketch

Sketch 2:





Idea 2: Students made impervious to the dangers of their physical environment by way of installing a lot of extra, inflatable, skin to act as  a protective cushioning.

Sketch 1: 3d


Sketch 2: Color Pencils


skin growths so lumpy that the human form becomes unrecognizable/camouflaged…


Problem/ Need 2:

Screen Shot 2014-11-05 at 12.23.25 AM

London’s East End: Then and Now by photographer Steve Lewis. Stratford, 1969. This photograph showcases the need for cheap, quality housing, as these prefabricated structures were considered temporary housing since the end of the second world war.

Idea 1: Skin Tarp Shelter

As described in the audio clip and iterated in the illustration, the skin tarp shelter could provide a person with an instantaneous, durable, and portable shelter system.

Sketch 1:

Sketch 2:



Idea 2: Finger Pick!

Sketch 1: Written

Give the working-class access to any home which they desire. This could be done by way of hands that work as a lock picking set.  We can permanently graft a pick system onto the smallest, most useless fingers of each hand. On the non-dominant hand, we would provide a L-shaped bar, known as torsion wrench, which allows the user to aplpy pressure to a lock. On the dominant hand, we would add a thin, hook like appendage to allow for the actual picking of the mechanical lock system. When used properly, these hand prosthetics would allow for access into any home. Not only does this solve the housing problem, but it further equalizes society by allowing those that keep society functioning with access to any level of home that they should desire for having completed their work.

Sketch 2: 3d model
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