Inspiration from Vincent Van Gogh

  • Vincent Van Gogh

When I go to the MOMA from my class, I saw Vincent Van Gogh’s painting. It was the first time to see his painting with my eyes. Personally, one of my favorite artists is Vincent Van Gogh. Some people told me that is so cliche and stale to considering Van Gogh as a favorite artist. However, his painting moved me and touch my art a lot. From the moment that I saw his painting from MOMA, I fall in love with his color choices, and brush strokes. I really wanted to use his paintings for some of my assignments.

As lots of people know, Vincent Van Gosh had a gloomy, sad life. When we look at his portrait, I can see his pain and effort, and love toward his art.

His self-portrait with bandaged ears shows his love of art and his life of pain. I can feel that he wanted to finish this portrait even he had a really bad mental condition and health problems.

Vincent Van Gogh self-portrait with bandaged ear)

I want to use this painting as a color palette for my clothes. I will pick some point colors for my jacket and pant. Also, I will put his unique brush strokes on my pant to create patterns.



Also, I got some inspiration from these paintings below.


Olive Trees


  • I saw this painting from MOMA and this helped me a lot to get inspired about the color choices.

Starry Night



Frida Kahlo Reflection; Michelle Byeon

Frida Kahlo Exhibition Response from Michelle Byeon

Frida Kahlo Exhibition in the Brooklyn Museum was very impressive to me. At first, all of her clothes were about her idea about Mexico, government, and relationships between other countries. Her fashion items related to Mexico’s traditional clothes style were expressing her idea that she considered  Mexico’s tradition as important of protection needed. In my opinion, I think using her identity as Mexican and putting her idea about her country into her artworks such as clothes or photos of her portraits. I saw one of pull set of top and skirt with Mexico’s traditional style that containing her identity that was very beautiful with the color of Mexico. Also, the earrings that made by her husband, and herself was impressive about the detail because I did not know how people can be that detailed in that time. Almost all of her jewelry made by her were worn by her in photos of her portraits. Looking at the photos of Frida Kahlo and observing them was an interesting part of this exhibition that I really enjoyed.







Frida by Ishiuchi, #2 (© Ishiuchi Miyako, courtesy Michael Hoppen Gallery)




This object was an interesting thing to look closely because corset for Frida Kahlo means lots of thing such as her life story. Also, she made a lot of artworks that related to her accident and her baby into a corset art.

For me, the leather corset was interesting to look at because the design of it was thoughtful and elegant.


Bridge Project 2 -final post



This final clothes is called Lake because what I am thinking about the mood of silent lake is similar with the color of the clothes. I chose these garments because those are the style that I usually match with for outfit, so I can combine them into a different style of clothes that I like. I like to look around the tech wear, so I got inspiration from that. The garment 1 (white t-shirt) is cotton fabric and the garment 2 (pants) is polyester with cotton mixed. The most time consuming part of this project was reconstructing the patterns into a complete t-shirt.  I like how the final clothes comes out because I put lots of pockets on the t-shirt with some arranged design. Also, I was very inspired from how the clothes are made and how the threads are holding fabric together from deconstructing garments.


general shots of garment

overall shots for garment



deconstructing garment


deconstructing garment 2



made the patterns

cutting off the patterns and organized how to cut or sew

planning out the design



pockets took off from the garment 2

Final post of Jewelry making

This crown is called simply as “Ice crown”. The original inspiration of this crown is from most of crowns in the museum that I saw. I also had some dream of making my own crown.  It is the retort fast food rice that comes with the plastic bowl. I cut them like a spike. Not spending any money could be looking little bit hard but when you actually try with something then there is a solution and way to make beautiful jewelry so I use the glue gun that I already had so I can connect the spikes easily. The most enjoyable part of making this crown is the process of connecting spikes that create the shape of crown; however, the most challenging part is cutting the bowl as lots of spikes. It is the plastic that I cannot easily cut them out so it took some times to separate them. In addition, I like that it came out as first what I thought to be. It is more better then original design. I did not know that I could do this project, but , I finally did it with satisficed final look.


Fabric in Fashion : Response of Michelle Byeon

This suit made by Jean Paul Gaultier is formed with polyamide (nylon), acrylic and rayon. The suit have very silky texture with little bit of shines. The main shape of this suit is very smooth and gentle. This suit is for women; however, the actual shape of this suit does not really exposing the female’s body anatomy shape. Not only about that, the top blazer is not really feminine, but the blazer’s length is short that can have balance between feminine and tidy mood.


This dress is made by pink silk ottoman with ivory silk and velvet. It is more focused on the feminine and it differentiate the gender by the clothes like this dress. There is a lot of pink silk and pink velvet. This combination of fabric enforcing the feminine mood of this dress. Many of tassels are making this dress more elegant. Also there is a ribbon in the middle of the neck part.

I think that these two clothes are showing huge differences toward the feminine or gender because the first suit is for women and it did not have a bias that women cannot wear suit or pants. However, this dress is from the section of the “Feminized fabrics of the 19th Century” and this part is more about they need a difference between men and women’s clothes. This dress used more silk with pinkish color that can focus on the feminine style; however, the suit does not put boundary between men and women’s clothing so that women also can wear the suit which was usually considered as men’s clothes.




Two Garments – Michelle Byeon





Both of the clothes are from my closet because I wanted to use the clothes with the size of my body. Also, the clothes that I didn’t wear for a long time are in my closet that I can use anywhere. First t-shirt is from MUJI and I bought it last year. It was having good quality as a t-shirt. Also, the pant is from an online store in Korea. I usually buy clothes from there because their clothes are having a street-wear mood. I loved this pant because the design is unique and cool. I am happy to use these clothes to make different clothes.

Int, Studio Fashion. Jewelry Group Project _ Michelle Byeon


Our Group brought all different materials such as necklace, socks, and watch. Also, our group couldn’t really get one idea about the jewelry we should make. However, each of us try to make least one thing by paper. I made some paper flowers and spikes but it did not be part of the gloves. Our final gloves become one of item that related to the environmental issues and sustainability. It was great experience by arranging used socks and paper into a one of cool glove. I haven’t try any thing such as making fashion item and it was very special by working with people.


My jewelry will be crown because one of my simple idea is using recycled plates as a material of my crown. Also, jewelry means the item which makes my outfit complete and it is small but very important because very little thing can change whole thing.




Memoir of my middle, high school years in Korea.

Most of my favorite memories are from middle, high school years. I used to enjoy going to school and I still remember a lot about those.

The school uniforms are representing those memories and I use the paper doll themes as one of the way to show this.