Immersive Attention & Contextual Universe

Bridge 2 was based on the concept of Immersive Attention & Contextual Universe, these two concepts were divided into two parts but both were related to each other when it came to analyzing and creating a final piece of work. I was able to learn about analyzing an artwork and creating my own mind map of ideas with all of the exercises we worked with in this assignment.

Part 1:

We had the chance to visit the Club 57 exhibition at the Modern Museum of Art about two weeks ago and had the chance to look at work from artists we had been talking about in Studio that was part of the counterculture happening in New York at that time. I had the chance to see two worked created by Fab Five Freddy (Fred Brathwaite) the artist I was assigned to research in Studio class to then create a textile and garment inspired by him. As well as looking at my artists work I was able to see works from other great artists at the time that have become symbols of inspirations throughout the years due to their extraordinary creativity and way of working. One of our tasks, while we were during the exhibition, was to choose one artwork and look at it for 20 minutes, I choose Untitled Shadowman by Richard Hambleton. As we saw the piece we had to take down notes about the things we were noticing so that then we could write a short description of what happened while we did the exercise. Looking at this beautiful piece for 20 minutes was very interesting since I was able to analyze it in a much more profound way than I did the first time I saw it, noticing flaws, small details, and imagining the character the artists were trying to portray in his work.

Part 2:

Both in Seminar and in Studio we went over Semiotics, which is the study of symbols and how they are able to make a viewer connect information to create a meaningful message. In Seminar these past few weeks, we have been reading several chapters from the book The Craft of Research and have started to think about topics to start our own research. Some topics I have chosen that interest me are gender norms, retail vs. e-commerce, and repeating trends. I had to think about 10 questions for each topic and create research statements that would help me focus the research in certain areas. At the end we had to create a map that represented our ideas and all of our research statements in one piece, I choose to work with semiotics so that my ideas would not be so literal but people had to infer their meaning with the use of symbols. I did these by using objects and pictures that would give the overall meaning I wanted to give to my viewers. I really liked this exercise because it was nice to transform my thoughts into visuals and think about the symbols that are correlated towards this meaning.