Bridge 2 Project
Week 3: Body Measure + Touch Site Plan & 2 Sections 3 Key Built Features Measurements MetroCard Scanner Orthographic Drawing 6 Texture Rubbings & Material Qualities Texture 1: Ceramic tiles with linear and angular designs; very smooth but obvious sudden and straight increase in depth is present; the middle section where the […]
Recorded Tracks Sound Concentration Points Three Location Indications (1) Monday 3:30PM; Subway Platform (2) Monday 6:30PM; Station Common Area (3) Monday 9:30PM; Ground Floor to Subway Stairs
Birdge 2 Project: Sight
1st Set of Images 2nd Set of Images Space Reflection Final 10 Images
Bridge 2 Project : Experiential Site Analysis
PROJECT SIGHT WEEK 3: BODY MEASURE + TOUCH SIGHT MEASUREMENT DIAGRAMS TEXTURE RUBBINGS NOTE: The pictures were taken the day after body measurements & texture rubbings. WEEK 4: SIGHT + TASTE WEEK 5: SOUND + SMELL
The Noguchi Museum: Shaping Mood & Perception
Our trip to the Noguchi Museum was overall a very memorable experience. At first, I did not think much of the museum due to its scale and subtle appearance. Through careful examination and deeper understanding, I learned that it was all apart of Noguchi’s intentions. I learned that everything in the museum, including the architecture […]
Integrative Studio: A Space from Memory
The space I chose was a touristy beach in Bali. The auditory experience that the professor set in combination with the rain that took place outside of the window correlate to the mood of Bali and the rain that was taking place at the beach that day at the beach. The feeling of aloneness that I […]