Growth Reflection

Looking back at this class, I can’t say I grew.  I think you as a teacher is phenomenal and I wish I had you for another class where you could teach me something that would be actually helpful like understanding abstract art and using resin and creating art.  I think the class was very hard to take away any actually meaning beyond understanding how to make a newspaper and judge people’s art based on how they are as a person and interpreting based on a feeling.  I think if I grew, I grew more confused about what art is and whether or not artists are actually giving us something important or just partying, smoking weed, and then the day before crapping out a piece with whatever they had in the room, but that’s also just bias from what I see outside the classroom.   I don’t want to lie to you and say that I grew so much and that I learned what art is and how to make it, because I didn’t and I’m tired of fake people who are polite to your face and then shit talk about the class behind your back.  But hey, I guess that is what the theme of the class was.    I really appreciate the effort you put into the class and I think it was a great class for people who didn’t know what they wanted to do, but I wanted to learn fashion or least something that expanded the concept of art and not font study.    This class was really hard to stay engaged in, because it was so much busy work and so much work that didn’t teach me anything remotely related to art.

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