Neighborhood Map

For this map, I choose to focus on all the areas in which there was graffiti.   I included both professional and non-professional because it also incorporates a statement about local art and gets behind the idea that every person is an artist.   Many people – artists – scoff at the idea that not every person is an artist and I feel like that is insecurity speaking at the professional level against those who are new or local artists when in fact, back in Virginia, I saw hundreds of people who were way more creative than artists.  take halloween where at Parsons, I saw a ridiculous amount of sexy cats which is the most basic costume, while in Virginia my high school friends choose to dress up as sexy Donal Trump.    Insecurity of the professionals shoves down the new people and any other person in general.   Insecurity is suppression and that is what I want to show in the map.   I highlighted the professional murals red and the murals considered as illegal graffiti in black.   The thing I found was that there were just as many professional pieces and unprofessional pieces and that those unprofessional pieces held even more emotion than the ones that scoff at them, because it is made out of emotion, danger, and anarchy.  sunset park unseen map-20v7pqk     : Photo link