Tag Archives: Time

Final Project

My final project for Time Fall 2014 is meant to be experienced at the Astor Place Subway Station between Lafayette and 4th Avenues and 9th and 8th St.  I was happy with how the site turned out, especially the video.  Changes I would make in the future would be to make the site more about the media and simplify the layout to eliminate the issues I had with writing the site for mobile devices, but at least I now know HTML and can customize my websites.  This project ended up being a satisfying way to end the semester.  



note: experience the site on an iPhone 4 or higher for best results

Final Project: Website Sketches


map sketch  


Website Layout Sketch


The plan for my site was to make an interactive map for the subject to experience the location.  It was supposed to act more like an app than a website.

The user’s experience should be the following:

First Level: instruct subject where to be to experience my “Augmented Reality”


Second Level: interactive map



Original Map

My original map had to be modified because of HTML site writing issues.  I thought I could make an image map with “active” areas on the picture which would link the user to the videos I made for the class but I had to slice my map into five horizontal strips and link those images to the videos instead.  I’d like to explore more possibilities with HTML image maps but time didn’t allow me to resolve the image sizing issues I had when using my website on my phone.


map1 map2 map3 map4 map5

Revised Map

Third Level:



Two of my links would take you to this page, where you’d accept an incoming message from the futuristic girl character.  You could “accept” and jump down the page to a video, or “decline” and return to the map.



The remaining links would take the subject to this page, where they were supposed to line up their phone with the image on the screen and play the video clip 


Fourth and Final Level:

Final Project: Subway Video from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


Transition of Astor Place from it’s current architecture to a futuristic concept piece

internet from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


Brief message from the “future girl” talking about what the future is like






Sound and Vision and Reflective Writing

After completing the sound portrait of a space, my time class created a video to accompany our recorded sounds.  I chose the theme of nighttime videos of interesting lights and street scenes without people (mostly).  This peaceful and slightly dramatic subject would compliment the sounds I recorded to portray the University Center Library.  I carried my 5D Mark II and a low light 50/1.8 lens with me almost all the time, to capture little clips of video for the project.  After reviewing my footage, I realized I didn’t have the style of footage I needed so I filmed a few scenes outside my dorm room window of the apartments across the street and the nighttime skyline.  “Blade Runner” inspired my editing for parts of the video, I wanted to evoke the slow, methodical progression of the classic and use a saturated color palate.


Sound and Vision from Cameron Durham on Vimeo.


When the class viewed my video, they didn’t pick up on the minute details I edited into the video.  I obsessed over synchronizing my visuals with little patterns in my soundtrack but I didn’t make my edits apparent enough.  I learned to focus on the project as a whole rather than relying on little details to make the best impression.

Final Project: Storyboard

My Immediate Experience Project will center around a walk in Astor Place.  From my original outline, my concept has changed entirely and now focuses on a futuristic female character from the upper class in an even more dense New York City.  Through narration clips, on-location and possibly offsite videos, she will show the viewer around the Astor Place Square.

Final Project: Proposal

Augmented Reality Project


Project Objective

Create an Immediate (non-mediated) experience

What would happen if, on top of an immediate experience, you were to layer a mediated one that might refer to the past, the present or the future; the immediate vicinity or a distant location?

How do I want change the subject’s experience?

create feeling of being watched

make subject rush through walk

enhance subject’s awareness of surroundings

make subject interact differently with the location

alter subject’s perception of their experience


Cooper Square and Astor Place Square

walk between E 6th and E 9th Streets on Cooper Square




I’m drawn to the area’s modern architecture the different feel the area has from the rest of New York.  By using the nighttime lighting and the futuristic feel of the Cooper Union Square, I want to make the subject feel they’re in a different time.





Cooper Union’s New Academic Building

modern architecture could help create a futuristic feel for the walk


public space new office building

New Office Building at 9th St and 4th Ave

blue lighting and public benches on 3rd Ave and Astor Place St

770 broadway

770 Broadway Lobby

building lobby glows a warm yellow, contrasting the blue lights at Astor Place Sq


Project Map

Establish Character/Guide:

narration audio

video of actor at site


Location Images:

video footage

surveillance camera-style footage

altered pictures of location with existing buildings and futuristic style buildings

Sound Effects

atmospheric noises (ambient sounds, suspenseful effect sounds, rain, thunder)

futuristic noises (vehicle sounds, beeps, whirrs, electronic beeping)