I Remember Graffiti

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I chose this memory because it is very positive; it puts me in a good mood. However, the fact that this memory no longer exists breaks my heart. I decided to make a poster because the fact that I hand wrote it makes it a lot more personal, like it is my own memory and I decided to share it with the world, I used color pencils in the background to make the poster more attractive as well as a childish drawing portraying my age.

I stuck up the poster in front of Starbucks because it is the most popular breakfast/coffee shop in New York. I am hoping that whenever someone walks into Starbucks they have a similar sentimental flashback as the one I get.

The experience was rather awkward as there were a couple of people staring at me as I was putting it up, however, it felt really good to get it out in the open. The experience essentially enhanced the significance of this memory as it is no longer just my own, as I have just shared it with the public.

Hello everyone! I am Alia El Gammal from Egypt, and i really hope you enjoy my page! :)

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