
Scan 5 Scan 1 Scan 4 Scan 3 Scan 6 Scan 2


I made these floorpans of the alcove after doing the taping assignment. These drawing had to be completely hand free drawings, we were not allowed to use rulers so that we can get a feel of the environment, so our hands can flow the way the room moves. We created each drawing about 3 times to remake it, and each time had to be better than the first, and i loved that once my hand and brain began to work together the assignment got a lot easier and i was able to make the plans more easily.

We were then introduced to AutoCAD, and we had to remake the plans using auto cad, as well as create new sections; These were my firs attempts of doing that.

Alia vertical2 horizontal cut 2 vertical 1

I think it is safe to say that these drawings did not come out as beautifully as i had hoped. However, this was my first time using autoCAD and i am proud of myself for being able to create something. After a bit of practice t had become a lot easier and making these drawings aren’t as difficult as these images make them out to be.

Hello everyone! I am Alia El Gammal from Egypt, and i really hope you enjoy my page! :)

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