Site 1:

What is the exact location of your three sites?

  • “Push Play” – Anna-Maria and Stephen Kellen Gallery
  • 2 West 13th Street, 1st floor
  • Large room by the elevators, right when you walk in on the right hand side.

These are some photographs of the space:

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A description of the sites:

This room is very large and very interestingly set up. There are games scattered everywhere, all kinds, people can go play chess, or pingpong, or even video games. Just a good place to go and blow off some steam, get rid of stress and really just enjoy themselves. There is a seesaw and many scattered small colored tables. I feel like i am in a playhouse.

The site is strangely not as crowded as i feel it should be, i feel people should be gathered up there to play a couple of games to relieve some school stress, but there were only a couple of people playing some board games. There was no music playing in the background and the room is rather large, the most thing i could hear was the echoes of different toned voices of people playing their games, the tumbling sounds of the rolling dice. The voices bouncing from wall to wall.

Why did you select the site?

I chose this site because i think it is so much fun to have a room designated to just games. And as a person that is easily stressed out and feels a lot of anxiety i feel this is just the perfect space to release all of that tension and to just know how to enjoy yourself every once in a while.

Looking at this place i start to imagine different things i could do with it. I imagine different separation booths, and different screens surrounding each game. The areas should be a bit more isolated because when the sounds start to intertwine it gets too loud and too messy, so the aim is to separate the voices from each other.

Site 2:

What is the exact location of your three sites?

  • Arnold and Sheila Aronson Galleries
  • 66 5th Avenue, 1st floor
  • Located right by the entrance, first door on the left hand side.

These are some photographs of the space:

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A description of the sites:

  • The space is extremely spacious, it has a very clean cut, with geometric seating areas scattered around in a very organized manner.
  • Black curtains fill the walls to cover the light to keep the room dimmed and private. it is very warm and comfortable.
  • The ceilings have projectors everywhere to shine against each wall showing different videos of peoples works.
  • The space is merely used to watch the works of other students, and sit and concentrate on the beautiful arts that are playing on the walls.
  • There is barely anyone there, extremely empty but extremely comfortable. You can only hear the beautiful sounds of the videos playing. Just soft quiet music, no voices no echoes, just art.

Why did you select the site?

I selected this site because i loved the quietness, its sureness. I loved that i felt comfortable, warm and happy. The sound and music playing from the art pieces were soothing. Some ideas that came to mind when looking at the space is to add screens everywhere, instead of having the projectors hanging from he ceiling, there can be many many tv screens over taking the walls like one big art piece showing different videos for people to come in and feel the art in the space. There can be speakers around the area to have the sound effects come out of different corners of the room. The whole area would turn into one big installation; instead of the people watching the art, they would actually be in the art itself.

Site 3:

What is the exact location of your three sites?

  • The Making Center
  • 2 West 13th Street, 2nd Floor
  • Walk up the back stairs, first door on the right, the whole floor is the making center.

These are some photographs of the space:

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A description of the sites:

This space completely shocked me, i was in awe when i walked in. It is a very small door, and you walk in and the space takes up the whole floor. Very clean wooden floors, with black diagonal lines going through it. There are wooden shelves everywhere for people to be able to put their projects on it. There are are many table everywhere, spot lights and manikins, it is purely a work space with so much life, so much energy. There are so many people taking over the tables and they are very hard at work. There is loud pop music in the background keeping the students hyped and motivated to work. People are loud and laughing and communicating in a very encouraging manner.

Why did you select the site?

I chose this site because i loved the atmosphere, it was so lively, everyone was so social and working together and helping each other. It was all hands on work, and the area is so spacious. I love that when you walk through the door you expect a hallway and many different rooms, but this was just one big room taking the entire space. Not only was there a work space but you turn the corner and there is a gallery space of peoples works, its just pure inspiration, pure motivation. There is a lot of life and energy and i really enjoyed that aspect of the space. Some ideas that come to mind when standing in the space is to create an art installation, maybe cubicles, maybe little huts, isolating rooms to allow the students who want their privacy, or don’t want to hear the loud music in the background to be able to hide away, they will be able to diminish some of the sound effects and be able to concentrate on their own works without the distraction of other students. 

Hello everyone! I am Alia El Gammal from Egypt, and i really hope you enjoy my page! :)

1 Comment

  1. John Roach · October 20, 2016 Reply

    These are really great reflections on these spaces Alia.
    Here are some thoughts:

    general thoughts:
    I think the are interesting questions that arise when considering sound as an art or design “object” in relation to another exhibition or art and design object that already has a context. What would an exploration of sound mean in terms of this work? How does the sound add to the pre-existing work, change it, enhance it? Does it correspond with the work or does it change the meaning? Great questions for an Interior designer.

    The big one here is to work with the curators to get permission to work within the space. Obviously a curator will have specific ideas about an intervention like this. ALSO you need to see how long the exhibition will be on view!

    general thoughts:
    Similar to #1
    Because this particular installation already includes sound, what does it mean to then intervene sonically? Check the exhibition dates for this space.

    general thoughts:
    I like the visceral responses that you bring to these sites and that you are being guided by your immediate responses to space. This is such a particular one with so many functions. I am curious how it could translate into a sound-experience. The isolation idea is a possibility, but maybe difficult to accomplish for this project (sound-proofing is difficult!). Also I recommend going to the space at different times, i’ve actually never been there when music was playing for example.

    Installing here will need to be approved since, of course, many people use the space. So you’ll want to consider areas where your work will not be a hinderance to others, but also have its desired impact!

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