Bridge 2 Excerpts

Bridge 2 Excerpts


  1. I can see her long golden curls blow in the wind. Everyone seems to be laughing here. Meanwhile, two men beside her keep practicing juggling red wooden bottles, and from here I can hear the sound of them hitting the ground, like a coin entering a vending machine.
  2. My vision is then ruined by the disturbing sounds of a flipping skateboard, loud enough for the birds to leave their nest.
  3. I can see many people my age just walking around Washington Square Park, it looks like a herd of sheep coming to claim their property.


All these excerpts that I have picked, portray a very hectic Washington square park. They show how crowded it was, and how there was so much happening at one time. This links into our studio bridge 2 assignment piece as we created a kaleidoscope that portrays this exact kind of atmosphere. We purposely added all the different colored confetti, as well as listening to the exact music that was playing on the day to have the user get that exact feel that we got when we were there.

These excerpts all convey a complicated side of me, they portray how many thoughts go through my head at once, I could be thinking of one thing, yet another thought flows straight into my head, like I cant control my mind. Just like I can’t control my surroundings at Washington Square Park.

Image of bridge 2 studio project:


Hello everyone! I am Alia El Gammal from Egypt, and i really hope you enjoy my page! :)

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