MoMa Tour


Going to the Museum of Modern art, and walking into the architecture and design section really helped see all the different approaches I could take with my research. I saw a very interesting slide show created by “Varanda Products”, they show many different products combined, and present it in a slide show where the viewer can stand there and see all the different products the company is working on. This approach could be very useful for my project as I am planning to design alternative roofs that will be applicable for buildings in Manhattan. Therefore I can create many different alternatives and present it in a slide show, with captions and small sentences that will allow the viewer to understand the concept of my designs. It is also aesthetically pleasing for the viewers to stay watching.


KITO building talks about roofs they have created to produce food and energy and collect water. The very interesting approach that they have taken is that they displayed a diagram, using only grey and green, to highlight the different aspects of the building and to show all the improvements that the roof is making. I can use this approach to make my own diagram, however approximately 3 different ones conveying different alternatives for the roofs, and each one will display the different functioning’s and benefits of the roof.

Hello everyone! I am Alia El Gammal from Egypt, and i really hope you enjoy my page! :)

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