Verb_Texture (Strengthen)

The goal to this project is to create soundscapes that do not rely on traditional notions of music, but instead tap into the full range of sound terminology in order to create an evocative sonic structure. I was given the word ‘strengthen’ to create a sonic texture to in some way symbolize this word.

I am conveying a scary sound effect, with tension and background beats so that the listener starts to feel a bit frightened, then i interpreted my term in a way so that the listener can “strengthen” himself and not be afraid, to be stronger and power through the piece. I used different water effects, as well as popping bottles, and shaking powder. I incorporated lots of tapping sounds so that there is a beat to the texture to allow my sound piece to build up by the end i wanted to create a sense of tension within the texture. The finale is rattling keys with the drumming beat raising in volume as a crescendo to symbolize the strength that has been created and the listener is essentially getting rid of his ‘fear’. 

Below is the sound texture i have created:




Hello everyone! I am Alia El Gammal from Egypt, and i really hope you enjoy my page! :)

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