Bridge 1: Project Statement-February 2019

For my Bridge 1 project I had to create five visuals that represent a series of objects in my room. Having just moved to New York city it was quiet difficult for me to feel like it was home, especially that this project was one of the first project assignments for this class. I didn’t feel the connection to my new home away from home, as days passed I tried recreating my room back home here or at least have a similar aesthetic to it. As I was observing the room for hours, I have finally come to conclusion on which will be my initial image chosen for this project. I decided to choose a picture frame with my family in it, and from that I managed to choose my other objects that each related to my friends or family or myself in a way. I choose the frame because I felt like it had a feel from back home, despite them not being physically here with me, they are through the journey I am going through. My family are a big part of my life, and they have always pushed me forward in life. Moving from one place to another was something 0verwhelming especially that the city is very different from where I come from. The objects chosen for this project were;

1.Picture Frame of my family; it reminded me of them, and how they are going to be with me through the new journey of self discovery and pursue my studies and career. They always motivated me to preform my best at everything, there is no such thing called as failure in life, people would stumble upon things but get right up and fix the mistakes they have been through. This picture frame always reminded me of having motivation, and preforming at my best abilities in my studies.

2. The teddy bear reminded me of my younger new born sister, since I have left her at a young age and couldn’t spend time seeing her grow. I spent most of the time I could before moving to New York with her. We went to fun fairs and amusement parks played games together, or even spent time in the toy store getting stuffed animals. This teddy bear was one of her favorites, she gave it to me before leaving as a remembrance as she couldn’t grasp the idea that I would be coming back every now and then. This teddy bear also made me enjoy the company of kids around me and whenever I’m walking around at the park or see children around me, I tend to play around with them.

3. My brother and I always used to bond over baseball games together, watch them for long hours and used to always cheer for opposite teams. After moving to nyc we went to our first match together, so this baseball reminded me of the quality time I used to spend with him.

4. My air pods were a way of communicating to my friends, we had long talks and updating each other with anything interesting, sad, or happy happening to us. It was the easiest way to connect to my friends from all over the world.

5. The television in my room was my escape , whenever I wanted to watch tv shows or the news to be updated on what is happening around me. I always tend to watch tv to gain more knowledge on my surroundings weather its about politics or celebrities.

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