Bridge 1: Reflection -February 2019

How did you choose the images that you visualized?

The process of choosing each image for my visualizations took a long process before coming to conclusion of the chosen objects, having to minimize the objects was quiet a difficult process. I choose images that relate to my family and reminded me of back home and decided to create a visual representation of them in a series of posters.

How did you choose the medium you selected for each piece?

I choose one medium for all the pictures which were minor edits and effects through various programs; photoshop, illustrator and InDesign. I created 5 different poster for each of the five objects chosen to portray a series of objects that relate to each other through the memory behind it.

How did you choose to connect/ or not connect the pieces to each other?

Despite the objects not being related to each other, I have decided to combine them under one theme which makes them related in one way. the theme chosen was family and all the objects chosen related to a memory or event that includes one of my family members or friends.

How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about presenting your writing – note keeping?

Presenting my writing and note keeping was an interesting way to gather all the ideas together and find a common theme between the objects chosen. even though, they didn’t really relate to one and other I managed to combine them into one them based on the story elements behind each object which made it into the visualizations I have delivered for this project.

How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about showing your work? I felt accomplished and proud of my work, since it was exactly what I have envisioned to portray, the visuals combined were under one theme that showed the idea behind my project.

What changes would you make to the work if you did another iteration?

if I was to change anything in this project, I would try to find objects that relate to each other which would make it easier for the viewers to grasp the idea behind the project while previewing it.

If there was something that you could have shared with your viewers to bring additional context or understanding, what would it be?

I believe I have portrayed the idea well enough for my viewers to get the idea behind my five visualizations and series of objects, despite that in the future I could include some text that would display the idea of my project without having to speak about it would be an interesting way for the audience to read my visualizations and come up with different context than what I wish to portray. this would make me enhance my skills and provide me with different ideas on how I can present my work in a better way.

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