Bridge 3: Reflection

1. Please identify (at least) one way in which creating visualizations (as a form of annotation) supports your research/ creative process.

Creating objects and visualizations as a form of annotation to support my research portrays the main thesis within the specific research done through the object chosen . By creating the visuals it was a way in which the audience would intake the idea behind the research in a minimized faster way, instead of having to look through the explanation. Therefore, by creating an object it would support my research by enhancing the audiences knowledge on what is being portrayed in the research since it differs from one individual to another on how they can grasp information, either by viewing or listening.

2. What was surprising/ interesting to you about the connections you made between sources as you organized your visualizations in the collection/ in the box?
I organized my box in a way to portray the message of my thesis in a precise way. I decided to make it very simple and laid out in an appropriate manner. The objects were laid out based on size and color coordination. As well as the same layout of my sources starting with the primary and followed by the secondary. The visuals chosen each resembled one of the references presented, which made it easier for the audience to grasp the idea of my box of curiosities.

3. What inspired you in the work of one of your colleagues? (Was it a question, a research area, a source, how the collection was organized, the craft or techniques used?) (If you take a photo of their work, please ask permission first.)
The thing that inspired me most about this project was we were all given the same guide lines and instructions, despite that each project was presented in a distinct way. The one that mostly stood out to me was one about the music industry. His idea was to research about how one of the artists grew rapidly and suddenly through the music application SoundCloud. His representation of his collection was direct and used simple elements to portray his ideas. He used an aluminum foil background with cracked CD pieces and places his phone on the center of the piece playing one of the artists first published songs.

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