Waking Up WS

The process of waking up especially in quarantine not only made me more connected to a plant life in a pot. We are constantly growing like a tree spreading our roots with every conversation and work being made. What happens when you find yourself in sort of a pot situation where you feel your space to grow is a bit limited? That what quarantine does as social distancing is put into place to lower human contact. As I wake up I realized I’ve been in this place for quite some time now, I’ve stepped in this same spot, I know that around 3 I go to the living room, atleast 2 times a day my upstairs neighbor yells for some unknown reason, and the fact that its been sunny for 30 days straight doesn’t help in me realizing this is a new day.  The only true coming to grips is the fact that I know all my leafs will fall at some point. This leads me to contemplate death and where do I stand when it comes to “another day another leaf”?  Do I continue to focus on the fact that all things must die eventually? I have places to grow and one of them was my access to technology, I could grow within my laptop by continuing to make new conversations as well as grow some where within me. I live in a pot however technology would allow further reach  for growing.

Wake up


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