Semester Look-Back Post
New School courses use the ELP in multiple ways. Using the tool once in a semester is extremely valuable for courses that do not integrate it more fully. The Semester Look-Back Post documents the course and asks the student to reflect on learning.
Below is a prompt that will assist students in creating an ELP course reflection.
Semester Look-Back Post
Directive: Develop an Electronic Learning Portfolio post to archive your experience in a course. Describe the course clearly, add samples of your work and reflect on your learning.
What to include?
- You will begin by collecting and reviewing all the work you completed in the course.
- Describe the course- what was the focus and format of the course?
- Select three highlights from your work in the course. These highlights might consist of major projects or papers. A highlight could also be a productive class debate, a journal entry, a materials experiment, an illuminating course trip or a new skill.
- For each one of the course highlights write a paragraph of description. Use images and media to illustrate your ideas. You may upload photography or video of process, projects and performances. You may upload files or selections of writing.
- Reflect on your learning in the course. What aspects of the course were most meaningful? Challenging? How did you grow over the course? Did the skills or ideas covered in this course connect to another course you have taken? What aspects of the course would you like to explore in the future?
Double check that you have categorized and tagged your post!