During the course of the year my seminar class has been the most intensive when I came to improving my vernacular on my ability to put thoughts on paper. One of my most valued important classes I’ve always understood the importance of being able to demonstrate one’s idea through a different medium. Such as artwork or design or anything else tangible for that matter if you are unable to demonstrate your ideas or convey your thoughts to an audience it doesn’t matter how amazing your idea is they still won’t understand. Due to the overarching theme of my class being “fake” we explore the ideas of critical reading and how to better understand what makes a fake document and what really constitutes a fraud I now relook at the idea of why I write. Spoken word in today’s society is not tangible enough anymore in your professional life you must be able to put your thoughts on paper to just have great ideas does not get you through anymore this is why as I’ve progress in the class I’ve been able to work on my writing an improve it over time. My first and most enjoyable project I did for the class was creating to fake stories this was a pleasant writing experience and both tested  my ability to write legibly and fool the class. this is crucial and stood as a charioteer for the rest of the year I felt as if my writing improved over the semester and I was able to better myself as a creator. For me personally I enjoyed the nuances that we covered in the class. Things that I personally was not aware of but because of a different perspective and more wisdom behind the writer the professor gave me interesting and different ideas on how to approach and improve my writing. For example I argued with him in arguing why I had a justify why I had to explain the concept and brief for my critique letter to a watch company. As the watch company already understands how and why they operate. And since this was an email addressed to them I was baffled in why had to explain myself. But as my professor explained to me. “in a sci-fi world even though the characters operating in that world understand the promise of what’s going on the viewer does not and the writer must find away to demonstrate this to the reader. The small and seemingly minute commet really stuck with me throughout the rest of the year. How can I better have the audience member for reader understand my content. As a product designer it’s almost imperative that my viewers understand what I’m trying to get across to them. If I have an inability to express my ideas or concepts the writing I will never be hired for a company. This is why overall even though the concepts and thoughts and ways of analyzing were extremely productive and helpful for me the thing that stuck with me was just the poor technical skills to class since we really looked at how to improve one’s own writing. As someone they grew up with the reading and spelling impediment the reasons on why right have been slim to none apart from academic reasons I never right on my spare time but Taking this class inspired me to try to journal more or at least try my best to get my thoughts on paper even though it might be almost impossible to read I had at least started to try to improve myself and overall this is why genuinely enjoy taking the class this year.

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