Studio2:Fahsion Year One

Fashioning the 70s Review

NYC-Skateboard-1The 70s is full of creativity. After two decades recovering the destructive WWII, no matter the consumers or the manufacturers were all looking forward to something nice and brand new. Fashion design is the reflection. Feminine and futuristic. I was impressived by the 70s fashion, and these two words are my conclusion. Elegant loose Shapes and phantasies of dreamed pattern that applied onto simple texture. There was something never has been seen before 70s. By the early 70s, high fashion is still about made to measure and classic shapes. However, the outer world was wildly expanded. Let’s flashback, in the 60s – Mini skirts, bikini, hippies, street arts, flying jets. These has somewhat influenced fashion. In the 70s, early days of technology was coming, people starts thinking into the future. Fashion designers, who work in a industry that is highly sensitive in trends and lifestyle, they started trying new patterns. The fashion designer’s in the 70s make garment meaningful, by adding shapes, colors, and textures; they benefited from a great fiber innovation; and they also refer to other forms arts in fashion design, and that has been a trend. There were countless things happening around the world, it provides a great environment for artists and designers to gather ideas.


Although the aesthetic value has been constantly refined through decades, feminine is a classic and timeless theme in fashion. Aspects to achieve feminine can be dropped shoulder, exposed body, or loose lower hem. These aspects ride this 70s show at FIT. IMG_9930

Colors are not just colors, they carry means, and certain color can mean differently to different ethnics. Many female friends around me believe that black and white can make them look more elegant, and bring more dignity. However, they are all around 20, and I tell them wearing all black is like going to a funeral and makes you look like 50 years old. They think bright colors are too childish. What’s the fact here in this show? Vivid colors contributed the biggest part of these successful designs. New fibers and cultural backgrounds also gives garments great values. Under a high speed of economic rise, Chinese aware what to buy and what to wear. Brands and fast pace life are controlling us. Relatively, many traditions and typical Chinese aspects are being vanished. Further than forgetting these traditional designs, people actually dislike those and avoid those, regard those aspects are unfashionable. This piece below, Yves Saint Laurent picked from Chinese and Russian traditional clothing, and made these pieces for his fashion show collection in the 1970s.


I really love the 70s fashion, ideas can be gathered so differently. Today, globalization makes the world almost the same. If we look at someone’s outfit without looking at his or her face, we can’t really tell what ethnic group is he or she from. IMG_9934


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