Studio2:Fahsion Year One

25 questions to Financial District

1, What type of people live here?

2, How different ethnic groups get along with each other?

3, Who owned this area originally?

4, What restaurants are run by immigrants?

5, What do people do here?

6, What are some big events happened here?

7, How is FiDi different from the other neighborhoods?

8, What are some clothing shops and what styles do they sell?

9, What are some stereotypes about this area?

10, What color is most seen on the street by people’s wearing? Why?

11,What about this area is people fascinated by?

12, What has been kept through the history of this area? Any traditions?

13, Where are some street names from?

14, How people dress?

15, Why do people live here instead of living in other neighborhoods?

16, How FiDi relates to art?

17, What might be replaced in the future?

18, Any myth about this area?

19, What tranportation can people take?

20, How is FiDi in movies?

21, Why the Indian Museum is in FiDi?

22, What do people like or dislike this area?

23, How immigrants effect or contribute to the neighborhood?

24, What threats the area?


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