Intro To Fashion Studies Lecture – Week 1

“Fashion is gossip. Never underestimate the power of gossip. Semiologists are driven into ecstasies of supposition by its whispers.”

I agree with this statement. Fashion is not only an expression of trends, but shows a lot about a society and what ideals it holds at a certain moment in time. Fashion has the power to suggest concepts and themes to an audience in a very subtle lowkey way, much like what gossip does; which also happens in a very low key, often “under the radar way.” Fashion can be studied to discover the ideas and concept being pushed by a society at a certain time, which is why it attracts semiologists at such a complex level.

“Fashion does not define. It is instead a term that demands definition.”

I do not agree with this statement. I believe that fashion is an excellent tool to define concepts and trends, and can be used to proactively define instead of something that needs definition. It is however true in some sense that fashion is an entity that needs definition, but it is equally true that it can function in the opposite way to define. For example, it can define someone’s personality, mindset, priorities, social status, and morals. I personally use fashion to define many aspects of my personality and clarify them, when making an impression upon people. Fashion can also be used to interpret a word or concept, and can be used as another manner of expression or conveying ideas that cannot otherwise be expressed.

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