Wood Explorations

For this assignment, I had to take an block of wood, cut it in half, and then create an object using one of four key terms as a guide. I wanted to use intersection as a guide, but I couldn’t find screws in time so I had these three puzzle like pieces. They all fit together, and I saw that when arranged as so, they look like ocean waves.

I used the smallest band saw to make the curves. The band saw was kind of awkward to use at first but after 10 minutes or so I felt more comfortable using it. You can see the small error I made [The tallest section in the 1st photo]  where I decided too late that the angle I wanted was smaller rather than larger, so It made this little ridge.

The day after this, I returned to the making center and used the drill press with a special round disk. I used it to cut out halfway circular chunks and an entire circular chunk.

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