Images of Language

For this project, the aim was to use language through mark-making and text to convey a silhouette of an image.

My first attempt to do this didn’t translate well into the image, but I later found out that this was because I was backwards in doing the process. Instead of using the threshold-ed images with the lighter text first, I began with the darkest first which led me erasing. This was also wrong and I decided to try again.

The second attempt I made I completely began on a new image. This time I used repetitive text of singular words. The words used were:  “kill” “death” “help” “run” “come in”

The end result came out well seeing as how I did it right the second time around. 

The third try, I used another google image, and continued the same process. The words here are: “Power” Control” “Fire” and “You Should Run”

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