Personal Currency: Guilloche

For this project, I thought about money, its value, and where it came from. I thought about how it is essential to have for people to be able to live somewhat comfortably, and how “old money” is passed down through the generations.

Thus, I decided to focus on theĀ “roots” of my family’s money tree, which would come from my grandparents. After researching, I found out that not too long ago, Italy had their own form of currency called the “lire.” After the creation of the euro, it became essentially worthless, but recently has become coveted due to its rarity. People bid high amounts of euro for lire technically worth nothing. This is interesting to me, seeing as how the value of money can flux so quickly and so simply.

Sketchbook Brainstorming:


3 images from your research of inspirations:

Photoshop Layer Process Attempt 1:

Final Product (back and front) :

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