Bridge #5 – Inspirational Toolkit – Studio

Bridge #1 – Space of Joy

Bridge #1 was our first attempt as a group in creating a space that leaves an impact on the way people feel when entering a constructed environment. Having been inspired in the past by performance art and interactive galleries, I worked with my first studio group to develop a space that collectively represented our own feelings of joy, specifically what brought us joy, and the ways in which these aspects could bring other people joy. This project specifically taught us how to work together as a team with limited time to create a final project. I was proud of the final outcome of the 3D model space, but also the steps that led to the final product; the mood board, the orthographic drawings, the collection of materials. Looking back on some of our weaknesses, I would’ve liked to include more of our material research in the final model. We also would have benefited ourselves and the audience by including indication of scale. Of course, all of these lessons contributed to the way I approached new hurdles and projects moving throughout the semester.



Bridge #2 – Collecting and Presenting Data

Bridge #2 acted as the first dive into our neighborhood research. In preparation we analyzed the neighborhood, consulted census information, and focused on the statistics that would be able to fuel an argument and identify a problem within our neighborhood. It was through this Bridge that I was first able to determine that the Hispanic population in the Lower East Side was a crucial topic moving forward. For this project specifically I was greatly inspired by the Ted Talks we had watched for our homework about data visualization and its importance when displaying information to an audience. Being a Communications Design major, I found that our learnings on meaningful visuals were of great importance to my research and work moving forward. I found that one of my weaknesses was my focus on the facts that actually mattered to my project. I had so many statistics, but then realized that some of the ones that I included on my poster didn’t have much relevance to the topic I was trying to present.



Bridge #3 – Issues – Questions – Needs – Potentials

Bridge #3 drew all my focus to making a 3D model that encompassed all that I wanted my public space to be. This was where I first developed CASA, my take on a modern public space for Hispanic residents within the LES neighborhood. I chose to create the model solely using clay in order to give the feel of authenticity and tradition. In my family growing up, we would cook everything, every aspect of a meal, and using the clay and modeling it with my hands reminded me of that. The model itself wasn’t an exact representation of how the space would exactly look, but to me, it was an accurate representation of how the space would feel. I’m not the best when it comes to 3D models which I would say is a weakness. I’ve always been a bit intimidated by 3D representations just because I am most comfortable working on a computer, but nonetheless, I was proud with what I came up with. 



Bridge #4 – Final Interventions

Bridge #4 was our final opportunity to show what we had been working towards since the first week of the semester. I chose to represent my public space CASA through an app prototype that served as a mobile meeting place and sign-up platform for all events and activities that take place in the space. I’m very proud of my final iteration of my concept but would’ve benefited by connecting the dots between the actual public space and the app. I found that by having two different concepts that I was presenting at the very end, I knew how they connected, but the audience was a bit confused by it anyway. I definitely learned that you can’t assume that others will understand what you’re talking about unless you’re detailed and concise in the way you present things. Overall, I learned many lessons that I will be able to take with me in my future and project endeavors. Not simply in the realm of teamwork, but also trust in the concept, data visualization, research, and analysis. I was also able to develop a love for public spaces and what they can offer to cities! 



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