Inquiry and Discovery Final

Inquiry and discovery

The ideas and goals of my practice have too many components and ideas that reach farther than how I have been actualizing them in my paintings. I think that the paintings I did in Core Studio 2D can be a series in my arts practice, but I need to continue to study and experiment how people experience the values they build in their lives to find better ways to communicate my sought after experience. With helpful input from the critique I realized that my paintings might only interest a select few. People are interested in what artists have to say. In my paintings I am not blatantly making any sort of statement, claim, or raising any kind of question, I am, trying to, offer an experience that I hope will act as a sort of catalyst of understanding for my audience. I am letting the audience guide themselves through the familiarity and form of the paintings and discover things on their own and at their own pace. This is not an ideal way of getting through to everyone, which is something that I want in my work.

My next step is to experiment more with a 3D aspect of my work, I think my understanding of how we interact with objects will expand and in form my painting practice. I also think a more literal and less abstract approach to a new series of paintings could be more approachable and engaging. I think that keeping the hues of the objects that inspire the forms, while making the brushwork more expressive in my paintings could be a key move in building the ambiguity and the familiarity at the same time. I need to make work that is approachable to more people and that gets through the message I’m compared to share in an effective way. Things just exist and we place our own values, meanings, and associations to them. We don’t see anything objectively, everything we see is a summation of ideas and things we associate from previous experiences. Nothing we see is pure. These are some of the notions I want to communicate. You can draw conclusions about these ideas from the way I have talked about my paintings and the experience I am trying to create, but I am not, blatantly, unapologetically getting stating this message or getting it across, like an artist should, at least the kind I want to be. In the paintings I have completed I am more so confusing the audience than jolting their viewing experience, which is not a problem in itself. I don’t have a problem confusing my audience, but this is only a small part of the experience I want to get across.

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