Bridge 1 – Reflection PPJ – 02/09/18

Bridge 1 – Personal Process Journal (PPJ)


This is a reflection of the process of making and revealing memories and work. Please answer all questions.

  1. How did you choose the images that you visualized?

I haven’t yet posted my images, however- since my object is a fleshlight, I have been trying to think of them in unconventional ways… Pairing them with childrens toys, or in fake grasses with fake flowers. I found the fleshlight on the beach, (deadhorse bay) and the function for me is different from its intended purpose. My creative process for coming up with images is normally kind of random, in the way that sometimes an image pops into my head and then I go through various trials..

  1. How did you choose the medium you selected for each piece?

Photography, and mixed media, I really would like to make a video, although.. we’ll see. I have a green screen in my room. I chose photography because I can create imagery around the flashlight, mixed media because photography is two dimensional and I like other elements

  1. How did you choose how to present the work?

With a lot of time

  1. How did you choose to connect/ or not connect the pieces to each other?

I would not really say that they are connected besides the fact that they share a similar theme

  1. How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about presenting your writing – note keeping?

With presenting my writing, it is not my best, and also since anyone can read it, I omit various things

  1. How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about showing your work?

Still having not posted it yet, I now feel that I over complicated things and now since it is two weeks late- It has to be a masterpiece

  1. How did it feel to have the DAI happen with you present?

It was entertaining trying to figure out my peers work and hearing their explanation. Since the critique was written and not verbalized, that was an interesting spin on the critiques that I am used to.

  1. How did you choose your questions for the audience/ viewers?

Intuitively, yet selectively

  1. What changes would you make to the work if you have to do another iteration?

Make it better

  1. If there was something that you could have shared with your viewers to bring additional context or understanding, what would it be?
  2. Wait till the next assignment!

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