Sustainable Systems Post 15

Flint crisis, four years on: what little trust is left continues to wash away


As a person from Michigan- and My cousin and Aunt both live in Flint, I have spent some time there.. I really think it is so obviously because of racism and class discrimination- Flint is broke, and its not nearly as white as the other cities in Michigan.Having been four years, and these people are STILL fighting- is just an example why I feel kind of frustrated. Protesting doesn’t work, and being civil doesn’t work. Maybe it would be better to blow up the water plant, to gain some attention.  I feel really awful for the children since it affects them and their development through the course of their lives, it isn’t fair!

Although I have read a few other articles about the water crisis and there are some other cities where the water is much worse, likt i st. Louis MO

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