1. DESCRIBE the piece using noticing skills. Questions you may choose to ask yourself: (Please describe a minimum of five different noticings you have.)                                                                   WELL, the images are all graphite, with a touch of realism, and splash of illustration
    • What are five separate elements or principles of design that you noticed in the piece you chose?
    • monochromatic
    • still, (not painterly or with movement)
    • Equal use of negative and positive space
    • The title is an accurate depiction of the image 
  2. ANALYZE – Choose from the open questions below or create your
    own questions: (You must have five different questions – and then answer them.)

    • What relationships do you notice among the elements?
    • Well, among the elements, they are fairly concrete- it is a graphite line drawing, and all the drawings are very astute in what they represent
    • Practicing Bomhian Arising:
      What connections do you make between he piece you experienced and anything else you are thinking about, learning about, sensing about?
    • To me, it makes me remember various college applications and having to draw- and most of my drawings. I feel that the drawings have a forced feeling about them(which is funny since it is about a whimsical joyous love), with a sense of.. (o)pression. Possibly the time crunch,
  3. CONTEXT: READ their Artist Statement, View their Artwork and Answer the following questions (Interpret).
  4. INTERPRET: Practicing Bomhian Arising/ Self Noticing:
    • What connections do you make
      • to your life; Connections to my life, Oh my- well I think of- you know my relationship to school and other students… I mean, the things I turned in with the two weeks I took I think It should have been better- what is silly is.. I finished it about a week ago… I was just lazy with uploading it, But the connection of the need to produce over a grade, although a time challenge is good- I think of my inflexibility- with this body of work, Teenage love, complicated relationships- a long distant lover… also the images are all in black and white and are supposed to evoke feelings of rejuvenation, albeit they are flat, colorless, and feel like an old lover, a snake skin that hasn’t been shed yet. Although- maybe that is me just projecting this long distance ¨relationship¨that I have been in
      • the world; The concept of love, and institutions deadlines- how that affects students work- for better or for worse
    • Written response should include:
      • What elements of design do you notice – and how do those portray the essence of the piece? (You will need to decide what the essence is… is it concrete, is it representational, is it abstract, is it symbolic (of what), are you “receiving” any emotions from the piece?) The work is concrete and representational, it is symbolic, yet astute… black and white colors, background and not a background, fixed media
      • If you could tell the artist anything about their work – what would you say? (Remember that they will be reading this and that it is public.) I can’t really tell you anything- I’m not sure what your relationship is with this person, or yourself, but explore it deeper- if this is about love- I´m not sure what love is for you- for me love is so complicated- relationships are so hard- the images you have chosen in my taste are not abstract enough- although I say that because for me love is abstract- it can’t be confined to a simple graphite drawing- it’s something like free jazz- like that album by miles davis, Live evil- although it can be reeeeeaaally punk too, i mean, it can also be sweet and syrupy- but for the most part- don’t take my advice- i will you to ignore time restrictions and be experimental as possible even if it takes for ever- although that is only if your heart is in it, and you enjoy what you are doing, if you didn’t enjoy the assignment- make it obvious. Because I have this complicated relationship- I would probably draw these, rip them, stomp them, set them on fire and scream- but of course record it- and turn that in. To me, that is more more dimensional and has more emotions- although Don’t take my advice
      • If you could recommend a website, article, book, artist, film, blog to the artist because of associations you made in your mind or through the Bohmian Arising – What would you recommend? (Remember that they will be reading this and that it is public.)
    • Well okay I was listening to this album this friend passed me while I wrote this
    • and you should probably listen to this
    • And then do something while you listen to that
    • or don’t

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