IS2. PPJ for Bridge 1

  1. How did you choose the images that you visualized?  Well, I chose them based on what I thought was the most visually compelling to me
  2. How did you choose the medium you selected for each piece? There was no other medium that I felt could convey what I wanted to do
  3. How did you choose how to present the work? Intuition, and “flow”
  4. How did you choose to connect/ or not connect the pieces to each other? Color.. recently my other teachers have said this before.. that recently my work has a distinct look.. They are all connected because I shot them at the same time and never did the hot dog photo I wanted to do.. I think this will be an ongoing project
  5. How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about presenting your writing – note keeping? Oh… well.. I’m terrible at presenting my work, no matter what platform it is… because I never feel like it is ready- even these photos there are still a few more things I want to do…
  6. How did you feel (felt sense & emotional narrative) about showing your work? I never showed it in class, although when showing it to people I was excited… many thought the video felt the feel uncomfortable
  7. How did it feel to have the DAI happen with you present? I need to have my work ready!
  8. How did you choose your questions for the audience/ viewers? Whatever crossed my mind
  9. What changes would you make to the work if you have to do another iteration? print it out like a post card
  10. If there was something that you could have shared with your viewers to bring additional context or understanding, what would it be? I don’t want them to understand anything that is going on in my head

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