Bridge 2: Reflection

1. Why did you choose the object you chose?

The fleshlight was my object of choice because it is the most bizarre object in my possession, also, my introduction to fleshlights was rather unorthodox. I met a friend who is a sculptor who makes these extremely evocative pieces of fleshlight, they don’t look like a fleshlight but rather a disembodied mouth in some sort of beautified exterior. So, to me they never related to male masturbation, but a curious object to use for sculpture. I then found one on the beach at Deadhorse bay looking for treasures with her and another friend.

2. What quadrant or quadrants of the AQAL did your object relate to? And how.

I, the personal to me, and It. I because it is kind of subjective, I am portraying a repulsive male, (and there really is nothing repulsive about using a fleshlight) and then later the female, who views the object with curiosity and happiness, although I’m sure not every female would pick it up and be ecstatic. One could interpret the fleshlights function between the binary sexes which then it because IT.

3. What is your Tag Line – or what is ONE SENTENCE that describes the thesis of your narrative?

A modern deception of the everyday Brooklynite.

4. What medium did you choose? Why?

Video was chosen because, I love making videos, and I think the process is more interesting as opposed to drawing. Although, I wanted a continuation of the video I did for my process documentation… I enjoyed making it though

5. What context would you like your viewers to know about your subject or the medium that/ us will help them understand your work better?

I think the fleshlights are funny, the video was made with comedic intent.

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