Sustainable Systems post 8

Want a shop job? You’ve got to have the X Factor

Daniel Lavelle
This article is humiliating, you have to jump through hoops to get paid 9.79 an hour? It sounds easier to be on public assistance than having to degrade yourself for some terrible job stocking shelves.
Personally I like theater, although if I was applying for a job at a bookstore- I don’t think I could comply with those demands.
I think people are kind of stuck in this really square way of thinking about the job market… and people maybe aren’t that innovative? I know not everyone wants to live in squats or as cheap as possible giving up luxury living- but to create your own job, and develop ones trade I think is so much more valuable to the community and the self. For example, id you are going to make 9.25 an hour and forced to perform for some corporate jerks, one might as well pick up the saxaphone, clarinet, sailing,

painting, marionettes, gardening, become an electrician and start working for their own gain.

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