Animal Inspiration Space and materiality

The inspiration for the paper skin was a cross between the

Image result for andean mountain cat

Andean Mountain Cat

and the

Image result for spotted eel

Spotted Moray Eel


The Andean Mountain Cat is devastatingly endangered as less than 2,500 are known to exist on the planet. It is a small wildcat located in the Andean mountains. It has ash grey fur, a grey head, ears, and face with copper spots that can be found from the north of Argentina to the south of Peru. It is rapidly dying due to climate change, mining, and an old superstition that some farmers believe to kill and preserve the head will bring up on good luck.


The spotted moray eel can be found primarily in the Western Atlantic Ocean, including the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. They are solitary animals that live in narrow crevices and reef structures (which would explain their unique patterns). They expel a toxic ooze from their epidermis and have a semi poisonous bite.

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