Artist Discovery Post – 03/29/18


also known as Gertrud Louise Goldschmidt was a modern Venezuelan artist and sculptor, most well known for her abstract and kinetic sculptures in the 60s and 70s.

Image result for GegoImage result for GegoImage result for GegoImage result for Gego

To Find her was kind of tricky, I searched sculptors, but basically the 30 initial search results were all men, so then I changed the search to women sculptors- only to find that there were five to choose from! Gego’s name was kind of evocative along with her photo… Yet her work is so FASCINATING. It is so linear and from the slight glimpses it kind of reminds me of the noise genre in music- I can hear a static electricity in my ears.. Possibly from the wiry minimalist frames.


Some of her hanging sculptures remind me of this time a friend and I tried to construct the frame of an igloo from connecting tubes and pipes…..


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