Sustainable Systems Post 10

The Aesthetics of Gentrification, and New York’s Top-Down Approach to Change


This article- how interesting it is that the writer described the different faces of gentrification- I have seen these places, i know them- the cheesey ugly developments, the “rustic” but stale and equally tasteless places, and then the kind of modernist developments- Yes I see them, I don’t go in them- Although I have- Sometimes I buy coffee from those places to avoid corporate coffee or I want a better tasting coffee than the coffee trucks… and I always get this… disturbed slimey feeling.. mainly from looking around at all clientele and terrible decor— outrageous prices

Although one thing that really sat with me was the part where they were discussing the transient community and amazon- the people who are afraid to go out and interact so they order online. Personally- I hate ordering online, so  I will run around from store to store- BUT- I do not plan on staying in New York- I’m not sure how long I will stay, i was thinking only maybe 5 years- Do I get wrapped up in that category of not investing in the community? I want to move to Brazil, not buy a house (he mentioned most people that stay five years want to move out and buy a house). I don’t think that is true- although that might explain why

Cheap rent- and squatting. How interesting he was saying it that cheap rent draws risk takers- cheap rent makes things risky- High rent keeps people obedient- I never really thought about it that way, but I guess it is kind of true. Although there are risky jobs people can do to make a lot of money….

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