First LER: IS2

  1. What was new to you in IS2?/ what is one thing that you learned that was new to you on 2/2/18?

Well, on Friday February Second, I learned my memory was actually a little disrupted from my fall on Tuesday, January 29th. I also experienced embarrassment and shame which is not a new feeling, although not a common sensation I feel. In IS2, well, it was a new experience to miss class from falling down the stairs. 

  1. What is one thing that you found interesting from class on 2/2/18?

In the time that class was happening, It was interesting the shame I felt. I tripped while trying very hard not to trip, also the shame I felt from having a black eye. Later that day I did my self portrait in the bathroom, which I keep wanting to redo- (just make it more…wild)

  1. In IS 2 (Sem or Studio have you dome any “spelunking” Did you do any “cave exploration” – for either IS class, or anything else that captured your attention this week?

Well, I was living in a basement which I made a fuzzy little cave. Since then I have moved out- (I moved out last Saturday) I kind of miss it.. but I have mixed feelings

  1. What is one question you have from class on 2/2/18 class?

Why do I still feel a residual feeling of shame?

  1. What is one noticing you made about the Roland Barthes. Mythologies?

Well… Mythologies is a complicated text. I had to re read it a few times very slowly to wrap my head around it. Although it really gives me a lot of freedom and I feel like nothing is absolute- as everything- anything is up for interpretation and is subjective to cultural norms and the time period. Also, everything is subject to change. More recently I have become fixated on things a few years ago I wouldn’t have, my morals have changed as I am slowly starting to live a slightly more bourgeois life….

  1. What is one question you have from the reading/ about the reading?

From the reading.. The Hare with Amber Eyes.. what makes one obsessive over detail, and why is this sometimes looked down upon?

  1. What connections have you made between IS 2 (so far) class and any other class you are taking? (Referring to content – or structure.)

IS 2, choosing my words more carefully, and how I communicate verbally. Why some things are more easy to say than others, and question emotions that arise due to the social constructs in society- like what is good, bad, shameful, ect

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