“Bridge 1 Critique – Mali- DAI – 02/09/18”

  1. DESCRIBE the piece using noticing skills. Questions you may choose to ask yourself: (Please describe a minimum of five different noticings you have.)

1.How does this connect to beanie babies?

2. How does each image correlate to your relationship your self now as opposed with the beanie baby i.e childhood

3. Why is the green person growing plants out of their head and dramatically different from the rest?

4.They resemble the tarot? How did you get the tarot from beanie babies

5. They are all drawings, did you think about using other mediums

    • What are five separate elements or principles of design that you noticed in the piece you chose?
    • Please describe how these elements or principles are employed in the piece.

1.They are all very cohesive, very clean, little elements, and high contrast between object and background. All of the objects are white with a thick black line, while the inside of the objects all have a thin line similar to the Alphonse Mucha, of course the styles are completely different.

2. In terms of design, they are all hand drawings transferred to a digital illustration

3.The colors are all primary and secondary colors which one can see in the naked eye

4. line weight changes

5. in the blue one, the bald character looks rather upset, with a breathing tube- a piece of technology- which is a reoccurring theme in the series minus the green one, which is emphasized by growth. Although then what is natural selection and what is technology?


  1. ANALYZE – Choose from the open questions below or create your
    own questions: (You must have five different questions – and then answer them.)

    • What relationships do you notice among the elements?
    • Practicing Bomhian Arising:
      What connections do you make between he piece you experienced and anything else you are thinking about, learning about, sensing about?
    • 1. In terms of the series, it is almost editorial in the fact that it seems like it could be an advertisement, or different characters in a comic. The only thing that really came to mind, was a conversation I have had with two friends that both do performance and sculpture and how bored they get with drawing, music, and painting (although one loves painting and the other says it is too easy)
    • Although, the drawings are very beautiful, and drawing with such precision is very difficult for me! Painting as well,
  2. CONTEXT: READ their Artist Statement, View their Artwork and Answer the following questions (Interpret).
  3. INTERPRET: Practicing Bomhian Arising/ Self Noticing:
    • What connections do you make
      • to your life; what is wrong with being simple?º
      • the world; my obsession with making things more complicated and how can i stretch an idea so far
    • Written response should include:
      • What elements of design do you notice – and how do those portray the essence of the piece? (You will need to decide what the essence is… is it concrete, is it representational, is it abstract, is it symbolic (of what), are you “receiving” any emotions from the piece?)
    • Elements of design that I notice are simplicity, and two objects, the inside and the outside. Negative and positive space. The essence is a mood. I really connected with the bald person with the tube breathing through their nose… That is a mood I feel every day basically
      • If you could tell the artist anything about their work – what would you say? (Remember that they will be reading this and that it is public.)
    • YOUR LINE IS ON POINT! They are so beautiful and I really love seeing the original drawing, although the sketchy look you accomplished in illustrator is a marvel as well. I’M sure you have seen ghost world, the film and the comic…. I think you would probably be into it. Or i really recommend that you see NOWHERE by Gregg Araki. My intuition tells me that you could relate to ghost world, and as for NOWHERE, the set design, and wardrobe is fantastic.

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