Lygia Clark- Artist Learning Portfolio 1


  • Title: Hermann Nitsch – Ritualistic performance art using blood”
  • This person subletting a room where I live was gifted pigs blood by one of their newly favorite artists and was talking about how we should do a ritual.
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Hermann Nitsch is an Austrian multidisciplinary artist with a focus in painting, performance, music (Noise elements) (referred to as Avant-Garde). His paintings are extremely dark and have a heavy influence from Religious Art. The performance pieces (theater) are centered around the human experience, man, consciousness, neurosis, altruistic love, rituals and sacrifices.

Nitsch’s  performances intrigue me. The grotesque and violent imagery captivates the viewer and makes it cumbersome to look away from the spectacle. The act of using the body, and creating a living breathing, moving, art piece for me is remarkable, and extremely fun (but they don’t always have to be fun). I have been in a few performances with my friend, and various happenings. Never before seeing, or knowing about Hermann Nitsch left me feeling inspired and my mind expanded.



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