What Amazon Does to Poor Cities

I know, I have heard Amazon is a terrible company- I mean, walmart does basically the same, right? They have food drives around the holidays for their employees, and offer a 10% discount,  ( also probably treat their workers like garbage (I don’t shop at walmart either). My response: Well… I try not to order anything online and I rarely purchase anything from amazon- although it is not exactly due to disrespect for the company- it is mainly because I rather support businesses that are tangible, I’m not into online shopping (although, I do look), Amazon doesn’t have anything for me, and I try not to buy new things because yes- the employees are probably treated poorly, but the object of desire probably has a longer trail of exploitation and Amazon’s part is only at the end.  I don’t have very much respect for the company, and the minor respect I did have has just decreased. As for preying on disparaged communities- That is what conglomerates do, and the only way to stop it is to discourage people from shopping on Amazon.

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