Jenny Saville and Her Part in the Deconstruction of the Public’s Perception of Normality

According to this scholarly analysis of Jenny Saville’s figurative and expressive depiction of the human form, she challenges more than femininity with her shockingly disarming impressions of faces and bodies that semi-resemble reality, which strengthens the personal bond between the work and the viewer. Throughout feminist undertones, more poignant themes come to the surface that relate to many facets of every living thing and its physical relationship to a mental society. Environment either enables or strengthens insecurity.

Personally this artist is not my style, but her art stands out and “starts a dialogue” as some people say, but overall evoke questioning which is the most resonating aspect of any form of art.

Noel, Laurence. “Jenny Saville: The Body Recovered.” CUJAH. January 18, 2013. Accessed March 02, 2017.


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