Lo fi AI technologies + code functions

Four Technologies

capacitative touch sensor
piezo sensor
temperature sensor (TMP36)
accelerometer (ADXL335)

In this video I printed each sensor value in a single String, going through each sensor, changing each value either by interacting directly with the sensor or plugging/unplugging its analog pin.


You can see in my code that I intended on having an OLED, displaying each sensor’s value. Once implemented into the code, the sketch became close to filling up the entire Arduino’s memory. In order to optimize speed, I took out the OLED.
But, if you see previous documentation, you can see that I have been able to implement the OLED in projects successfully in the past.

Six libraries / bodies of code

Punctuation method, seen in this tutorial.

Used to transfer data from multiple sensors to Processing, through the Serial Port.

Lab: Two-way (Duplex) Serial Communication using an Arduino and Processing

Getting the capacitative touch sensor data involved only a function, adapted from this tutorial:

(seen on lines 137 – 170 on Arduino code)

OLED Graphics Library from Adafruit

MPU6050 and 3D cube

Convert temp + accel readings

I made my own functions to convert temp and accel sensor values.
(temp: seen on lines 128 – 135 on Arduino code)
(accel: seen on lines 54 – 63 on Arduino code)

Blur Filter + temp

(seen on lines 80 – 85 on Processing code)


combined four of Gene Kogan’s texture shaders, customized settings for each sensor’s data values. Haven’t gotten it to work yet.
(seen on lines 66 – 94 on Processing code)

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