Intregrative studio – Final ( the mind of the homeless meets Andy Warhol )



This is a final for integrative studio and seminar 2 .

The Mind of the Homeless exhibit is created to
show the perspective of what an individual that’s
homeless goes through. In april 2017 there were 61, 277 homeless people
spending each night on the street. This exhibit has been created to
spread awareness on a topic that is very significant yet not much light is shed on.
To spread awareness I’ve decided to bring art into the topic,
and why not collaborate with one of the leading pop art
movement artist, late Andy Warhol. I’ve decided to replae the doors with
Andy Warhol’s famous wprk campbell soup, instead of using marliyn Monroe, Im
using pictures of people that are homeless that I’ve spent time interviewing and inside
thatere willl be a room with a booth that you can individualy hear the intervire and
hear the experiences of homless people, first hand. You will receive a can in which you
can donate.