
Something that we aspire to be as we grow up: independent.


But what does independence mean, does it mean to be able to stand on your own feet or does it mean to be able to guide and organise your life even if you have help from others.. On one hand it can be seen as something desirable, but on the other, it can be something that cuts you out of family, of a bond that was with you your whole life. If taken too far it can be a sort of alienation, because not needing anyone else in your life can lead up to loneliness.


I was asked one day how I am so independent by a friend of mine. I didn’t know how to answer because I didn’t think of myself necessarily as an independent girl. I was and still consider myself mature for my age, and I think it’s because of my passion to learn and understand more that I became this way. The more I was informed, the more I could do things on my own.


Now that I am in college, I understand the value of having confidence in yourself and what you do. You don’t have the same friends like back home, you live alone and don’t know the city you live in by heart yet. With that, independence builds up too. Supporting yourself in your own ways, making your own decisions. That’s why I agree with a quote of Maya Angelou when she says: ‘’I got my own back’’, because from now on, I will always have my own back.





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